I want to see my favourite movies in a structured way. Not in a list, because there is no single way of sorting them. I might want to see them sorted by director, by date or according to which actors played the major roles. would be a start. Julia Roberts was in other movies I enjoyed. Hugh Grant as well:: Then I notice something: three of these films were written by the same author: Richard Curtis. In future I'll watch out for his name and will be more likely to watch a movie by him. (I find myself asking the question who wrote the other films - maybe there's another "link" which will help me to target better films in the future. Now I've entered three different types of information: actors, movie names and authors. It would be good to be able to see which is which. One way is to introduce the "aspect" "Which type". (I might think of a better name later, but let's use that for the time being.)
That's not very pretty and doesn't help. Yet. But I still have to tell the items to which type they belong. I can either
I repeat this so there are columns for "Film" and "Author": I could add another column for "director". Another way of looking at this information about my favourite movies would be to divide them up according to their genre: comedy, drama, thriller science fiction, historical etc. To do this, I create a second aspect "Genre" and make a second column-view which uses this new aspect to determine which columns are shown. It's worth noting that Julia Roberts is neither a comedy nor a drama - she's not a film at all. It's sensible to use a filter in this case, so only items are shown which have "Film" entered as their "type". Now I want to gather further information regarding these films. I define an aspect "URL" and enter the web-addresses of fan-clubs, distributors or websites specialising on that film or whatever. A useful address for movie fans is www.IMDB.com. They often have a web page for each film. So a link to such a page allows me to surf there with two clicks: one right-click for the context menu of an item, then a left-click on the URL. I could continue to add aspects like "Release date", "My assessment", "Country of origin" etc. |