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Hiding items

Creating a link

Items of information are usually linked to other items. For instance, activity "A" is linked to activity "B" because "A" has to be carried out before "B", or person "C" has to carry out activity "D". These items of information can be linked by arrows in i2Brain.

3 types

There are 3 types of link:

"Link": a general link which is shown as a green arrow
"Part of": a red arrow
"Precedes": blue arrow.

You can input a short text when you create a link. It is shown next to the middle of the arrow. (See "Options" if you always or never want to be asked for a text.)

It is possible to connect the same two items with more than one link, but it isn't recommended because it is difficult to use.


In a view's menu, click in the toolbar or choose "Insert | Part of (red)". The cursor changes to cross-hairs.
Click on the item which is to the source of the arrow and keep the left mouse-key pressed. The mouse cursor turns into a different cross.
Drag the mouse to the item which is to be the target of the arrow and release the left mouse-key.
A dialog might appear asking for the text which should be shown next to the arrow. (This only occurs if you have activated "Ask for a text when creating a Link" in the options.

Alternatively you can right-click the element which is to be the arrow's source. In the pop-up menu choose "Links", then the required type of link. The rest is as above.

Creating a link and an item together

If you want to create a new item and a link at the same time, you can click one of the arrow-buttons in the toolbar, then click on the item from which the arrow should emerge. Then drag the mouse (with the left mouse-button still pressed) to the point where you want the new item. Here you release the mouse-button.

1. Click on an arrow-button 2. Click on an existing item 3 Drag the mouse to where you want the new item 4. Release the mouse to create the new item.

Producing several links of the same type

Double-clicking one of the arrow icons in the toolbar allows you to repeatedly create the same type of link.

Of course you can combine this functionality with the one described in the previous paragraph to produce several new items, all with links.

You leave this mode by clicking the view's background or one of the arrow buttons in the toolbar. 

Deleting and editing links


Right-click the arrow and choose "Delete" or "Properties". "Properties" allows you to change the text which appears beside the arrow. 

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